Mozart font description files

To use music symbol fonts other than its own integrated "Mozart Classic" font, Mozart (from version 10) requires (a) that the font is designed for use with Mozart (b) that it is installed in the normal way, and (c) the installation of a "mozart font description file" (.mzfont).   These last are discussed here.


Mozart font description files

Mozart's Font Description Files have the unique extension .mzfont

Important: these are not fonts.  They are only necessary or useful if you already have the appropriate font installed.   Also they are not needed by Mozart 9 or earlier versions.

Installing font description files

Font Decription Files must sit in the 'Data' folder within the Mozart program folder. It is sufficient just to copy them there.

This will depend on where you have installed Mozart but for English Windows systems the default location (for example for Mozart 10) will be C:\Program Files\Mozart10\Data\

More about Mozart Font Description files

  • Mozart's music symbols must come from an appropriate TrueType font. These include note bulbs, and note tails, but stems, beams, bar-lines, stave-lines and some other elements are drawn as lines, rather than utilising the actual Windows font. The .mzfont font description file contains (inter alia) information on how thick these lines should be, and fine-scale data on how joins (eg between stems and note bulbs) are achieved.
  • Mozart's default "mozart classic" font does not require a .mzfont file to be present, but all other usable fonts do.
  • By default Mozart installs the mzbold.mzfont file. This gives the option of a bold version of the mozart classic font.

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